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- The senior management of CCEL believes in sustainable development and is committed to effective management of health, safety and the environment as an integral part of our business.
- The health and safety of our employees and any other person who may be impacted by CCEL operations and activities is of paramount importance and our aim is zero harm to people our assets and minimal impact to the environment.
- To make certain our operations are carried out in a manner that ensures the health and safety of all personnel and affected parties, CCEL has implemented and will maintain and ongoing health safety and environmental program directed at preventing injury, illness, accidents, incidents or any harm to the environment we operate in.
- Our HSE program is based on ISO 14001(environmental) OHSAS 18001(occupational health and safety) standards, applicable international, national regional and local health safety and environment (HSE) regulations and statutory obligations and other requirements as appropriate and where applicable to our operations.
- We shall develop health safety and environmental goals and standards which apply across the business. Set targets and objectives to continuous health safety and environmental improvements.
- We shall identify hazards, assess and control the risks of all work type activities that have the potential to produce personnel injury, occupational illness or harm to the environment. Continually reduce the risk of personal injury, illness or harm to the environment.
- We shall provide appropriate instruction, training and supervision to improve every individual’s understanding of workplace hazards, including safe work practices and emergency procedures.
- We shall ensure that all personnel, Subcontractors, (including visitors and vendors) comply with appropriate standards and workplace directions to protect their own and others health and safety at the workplace.
- We shall promote a positive HSE culture within our organization through effective communication, participation and consultation between all ranks of staff, as well as our stakeholders, clients and contractors.
- We shall ensure our HSE policy is documented, implemented, maintained and communicated to all employees and that they are aware of their individual HSE obligations.
- The content and implementation of this policy will be reviewed annually by senior management and action taken accordingly including the sharing of good practices throughout the organization.
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